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Elder Purpose

What's an elder to do?

Yes! I am 72 years old. Yes! I am the cliche' single senior living in poverty. Yes! I have no family. And, yes, every single day is a struggle. But, as Monty Python said, "Not dead yet!"

So what's a retired professional to do? Volunteer! Satisfying. Productive. Welcomed. Appreciated. I chose two areas: diabilities and storytelling. My volunteer efforts:

Making You Tube Videos

Learning new skills

Wow! Eight years of higher education, 40 years teaching Special Education and now what? OK. I did manage to have a mystery book published, but what now? Why not venture into this world of You Tube? Meet: TechnaCrone!

Disability Lessons

Whimsy The Pug

Whimsy the disabled pug

Three working legs is Whimsy's normal. Learn how this cute pug lives his best life. It's all about celebrating who you are. Tales from a retired Special Education teacher!

Whimsy at the beach

Being the best you!