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Whimsy The Pug

Whmsy pug clowning

Whimsy is a three year old pug born unable to support his left foreleg. He folds his left paw underneath rather than lie it flat upon the ground. When walking, he lifts his left leg at the knee. While he may use a tip-toe effect when running, normally he keeps his left leg in the air. It is hoped that his arthritus prevention medication will alleviate the need to amputate. Whimsy's disability does not define him. He is described as an energetic, affectionate pug with a stubborn disposition and a tummy always craving food. He is able to live his best life with a pug smile.


You Tube Channel

1. Whimsy Pug Intro

2. Whimsy Pug Lost

3. Whimsy Pug Unleashed