West Olympic Stories

West Olympic Stories

Connecting communities with personal stories!
Clallam Bay and Seiku sign Quileute Tribal Nation sign
Whale Trail sign Forks Washington sign
Makah Tribal Nation Museum sign Rialto Beach sign
Ozette Lake sign

Celebrate Stories


Connection is important in such a vast area. Watch locals tell stories to inform and entertain. It's what connects such a diverse group of people! From myths (Bigfoot) to local history to everyday life, do you have a story to tell?

Video Stories

YouTube Channel

Sample Stories

Voicing Your Truth


Volunteer! We want to hear your story about this scenic area. First, find your truth, then sign a waiver, choose talking points or develop your original tale, and schedule a time for filming. The only rule? Make it your story!


Schedule Filming

West Clallam County


Bordered by the Pacific coast and Salish Sea with Olympic National Parks throughout, this scenic area is shared by diverse cultures and people.


Photo Array

Talking Points


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